Monday 28 March 2011

The 10 most common scams | Moneywise

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The 10 most common scams Moneywise - Moneywise magazine have written an article explaining the 10 most common scams and how they work Click on the link to learn more

For more information on scams visit: How to avoid scams

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Tuesday 1 March 2011

Ablestoke Warn Clients of Cashpoint Crook Scam

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An ablestoke client has informed us of a cashpoint crook scam which is catching people unaware

The three scoundrels in the video got away with £350 in a matter of
seconds and the cashpoint user did not know for some time that his cash
had been stolen.

Click on the link Essex police and read the advice

The theft happened in High Road, Loughton in August and the method is
thought to have been used around the county in other previously
unexplained thefts from ATMs.
This scam has been uncovered by Essex police and we are asking all Ablestoke Consulting clients to be extra vigilant and to ensure friends and family are also aware of this crime so that they do not become victims

Thanks to our client who sent this news to us, and if anybody else is aware of any other such crimes or scams then please let us know at

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Monday 21 February 2011

Ablestoke Warn Clients to beware of BBC Lottery Scam

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Ablestoke Consulting warn clients of another Scam

Yet another scam is being sent around the internet this time falsely claiming to be from the National lottery and the BBC - we have informed the BBC

Below is an email received by one of our staff claiming they had won £500,000 – However this is bogus - please beware

Sent: 20 February 2011 14:34
Subject: Your E-mail Address Has Won the Sum of GBP £500,000.00

29 Colmore Row,
Birmingham , B3 2EW
United Kingdom.
Fax NO:+44-7443832220

Dear Lucky Winner:

We are happy to inform you that Your e-mail has won for you  GBP £500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling) from BBC LOTTERY 2011 on this year 2011 Draws presented on BBC 2011 EMAIL CASH AWARD. No ticket was sold, the draw Number 64664094 brought out your e-mail address from a Data Base of Internet Email Users all over the world as it was drawn from our official game site : .Your email emerged during the unsubscribe promotion and qualified you as a winner of GBP £500,000.00 Cash award.

To claim your won amount email the below details to our Accredited Claim Agent in London, to guide you on how to get your cash prize and direct you to the paying bank where your won amount is deposited under NON DEDUCTIBLE DEPOSIT, that is to say no body can remove any amount in your won amount till it gets to your custody.

Draw Number 64664094
Your Full Name:
Marital Status:
Mobile Number:
Amount Won:
Email the Above information to our Accredited Claim Agent Mr. Mossman Kenneth and call him on phone as well:

Name: Mr. Mossman Kenneth.
Phone : +447031925337
Warning: You are advised to keep your winners details confidential till you receive your won amount.
Congratulations!! once again.
Yours in service,

MRS. CHRISTINA JAMES    Mr. Mossman Kenneth.
(Public Relations Officer) (Lottery Co-coordinator)


If you receive an email such as this:

·         DO NOT RESPOND

If you have already responded:

·          immediately report it to Action Fraud Action Fraud Website Link - Click here
or telephone 0300 123 2040

If you are aware of any other scams the please contact Ablestoke Consulting so that we can share the information and prevent others being conned

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Thursday 27 January 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Warn Clients of new VCT Scam

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Ablestoke Consulting have been made aware of an active scam targetting clients who have invested in Venture Capital Trusts

Several Ablestoke Consulting clients have received unsolicited telephone calls at home, claiming to be calling on behalf of a company who are a major share holder of the VCT looking to aquire a larger shareholding and offering amounts of £12 per share. When pressed for more details they hung up!

Ablestoke Consulting would like to warn people that this clearly appears to be a scam

Ablestoke Consulting have contacted The Beringea Group who run the Proven VCT (Proven bought the Sitka Health VCT, this VCT seems to be the target) and made them aware of this activity.

Beringea have received similar reports from other sources and have reported this activity to the Financial Services Authority 

Beringea have also posted a warning on the Proven VCT website potential scam alert and Ablestoke Consulting are alerting clients to this scam also

If you have been approached about your VCT, DO NOT reveal ANY personal information and instead please contact Ablestoke Consulting or the FSA immediately

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Career Opportunity Scam

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Ablestoke Consulting Scam Avoidance Guides – Career Opportunity Scam

Scams are schemes which are designed to con unwary people out of their money. Scams come in a variety of types and can be quite sophisticated; therefore even experienced people can be caught out. You may well have already come across scams in your life such as letters from abroad asking you to share in a fortune if your bank account can be used to release funds that are locked away overseas, premium rate competition scams, bogus sweepstakes and lotteries, and fake health cures. These are some of the favourite scams used by unscrupulous fraudsters. As the number of scams seems to be increasing, Ablestoke Consulting’s Scam Avoidance Guide is designed to make you aware and save your money.

Many of us consider leaving the drudgery of our jobs, why spend our life working in an industry we do not like, for a company that does not value us, for a pay we cannot control. The feeling of being trapped and helpless to accelerate our progression in our careers and lifestyle is a common one.

What do you do? Re-train?, change industry?, set up a business?

There are many opportunities out there and in today’s world you do not have to just be another low paid employee, you can be self employed, from contracting to setting up your own business or taking a franchise.

However one thing you need to be aware of are the number of career opportunity scams out there.

These scams prey on people like us, who want to better themselves and not be just another number on the payroll, fortunately there is an obvious tell tale sign

The “tell tale” sign
Work from home, flexible hours etc… all in exchange for a high income, seems too good to be true, and then they ask you for cash up front! 

How to avoid the Career opportunity scam
·         Is the company registered with Companies House
·         Do they have a landline telephone number
·         Do they have a registered office address
·         Are they a member of any recognised professional body, trade association
·         Are they regulated by a government authority
·         Do they have any customer testimonials
·         Never pay up-front fees to join a company

What Do I do if I have been scammed?
·         Inform the Office of Fair Trading
·         Contact the relevant industry authority
·         Call the police

For more information on how to avoid Scams read below

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Friday 19 November 2010

Christmas Post Scam

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Ablestoke Consulting Scam Avoidance Guides – Christmas Post Scam

Scams are schemes which are designed to con unwary people out of their money. Scams come in a variety of types and can be quite sophisticated; therefore even experienced people can be caught out. You may well have already come across scams in your life such as letters from abroad asking you to share in a fortune if your bank account can be used to release funds that are locked away overseas, premium rate competition scams, bogus sweepstakes and lotteries, and fake health cures. These are some of the favourite scams used by unscrupulous fraudsters. As the number of scams seems to be increasing, Ablestoke Consulting’s Scam Avoidance Guide is designed to make you aware and save your money.
With Christmas fast approaching, beware that scams may be on the increase

Apparently this scam has been confirmed by Royal Mail.

The Trading Standards Office are making
people aware of the following scam:

How the scam works:

A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel
Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and
that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a Premium rate number).

DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from

If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will
already have been billed £315 for the phone call.

If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail
Fraud on 020 7239 6655.

For more information, see the Crime Stoppers website:

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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Identity Fraud

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Ablestoke Consulting Scam Avoidance Guides – Identity Fraud
Scams are schemes which are designed to con unwary people out of their money. Scams come in a variety of types and can be quite sophisticated; therefore even experienced people can be caught out. You may well have already come across scams in your life such as letters from abroad asking you to share in a fortune if your bank account can be used to release funds that are locked away overseas, premium rate competition scams, bogus sweepstakes and lotteries, and fake health cures. These are some of the favourite scams used by unscrupulous fraudsters. As the number of scams seems to be increasing, Ablestoke Consulting’s Scam Avoidance Guide is designed to make you aware and save your money.
There can be little worse than someone stealing your identity and using this to run up bills that you end up paying. Using just a few of your personal details, criminals can apply for bank accounts, credit cards, benefits and official documents in your name.

How can someone steal my identity?

·         Finding out your bank details
·         Stealing or copying your passport or drivers license details
·         Copying credit card details
·         Using fraudulent websites to gain your personal details
·         Going through your dustbin for receipts, letters or envelopes

How do I know if my identity has been stolen?

·         Are there unusual payments on your bank statements or credit card statements?
·         Has any mail gone missing?
·         Have you received bills for goods or services you haven’t bought?
·         Are there new credit cards on your credit file?

How to avoid being scammed

·         Delete any suspicious emails without opening them
·         Always keep your computer protected with a good firewall
·         Don’t use the same password all the time
·         Never give personal information to people who email or call you
·         Never let your credit card out of sight when you are paying for goods
·         Don’t respond to emails asking for passwords, bank details or credit card details
  • don't buy online unless you see the golden padlock on the payments page, and a web address beginning with 'https'
·         Shred unwanted envelopes, letters or any other personal information
·         Inform utility companies and authorities when you move home
  • keep your banking and credit card PIN numbers safe - no bank will ever phone you to ask for your PIN
  • if you live in a shared building, ask your bank if you can pick up cards at your branch
  • Monitor your credit report
  • Report missing mail to the Royal Mail
For more information please visit
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